Gas station container

The KCC and KCM gas station containers with accessories are complete gas station modules for professional use with one- or two-sided gas pumps and a double-walled steel body.

Krampitz MINOTAUR icon

KCC (COMPACT) – gas station container

Professional KCC filling station containers with accessories for supplying vehicles, construction machinery and locomotives with liquid media such as fuels, engine oils and urea (AdBlue).

  • KCC101: Complete gas station module for professional use with one-sided fuel pumps. Double-walled steel body.
  • KCC-202: Single and two-chamber version with a transfer niche to accommodate the refueling connections for the tank truck and an electronic for installing the electrical. Leak detector and the central control.
  • KCC-404: Equipment for use as a naval station or as a helicopter fueling station for kerosene and avgas.
KCC (COMPACT) – gas station container
Propertyfield of application.TransportationSetting up the BoxVideo
icon cleaned transportableyoutube icon

E3 cleaned and transportable


KCC (COMPACT) – gas station container
ViewItem No.AuthorizationVolumeTotal lengthTotal widthTotal heightWeightDownloadContact
KCC-101KCC-101Z-38.12 3127.9002.9912.4382.8964.300
KCC-201KCC-201Z-38.12 31223.0006.0582.4382.8966.400
KCCG-201Z-38.12 31220.1006.0582.4382.8967.100
KCC-202KCC-202Z-38.12 31223.0006.0582.4382.8966.700
KCC-202KCCG-202Z-38.12 31220.1006.0582.4382.8967.400
KCC-401KCC-401Z-38.12 31254.00012.1922.4382.89611.800
KCCG-401KCCG-401Z-38.12 31251.50012.1922.4382.89612.500
KCCOG-401KCCOG-401Z-38.12 31247.50012.1922.4382.89612.800
KCC-402KCC-402Z-38.12 31254.00012.1922.4382.89612.100
KCC-402KCCG-402Z-38.12 31251.50012.1922.4382.89612.800
KCC-402KCCOG-402Z-38.12 31247.50012.1922.4382.89613.100

KCM (MULTI) – gas station container

double-walled, petrol / diesel / heating oil / UREA

The KCM Multi tank container is designed for diesel, heating oil, gasoline and urea solution. He is a multifunctional, double-walled, cubic tank body with a sturdy ISO frame and an integrated platform for dispensers on the front. One equipment and two transfer niches are located to the left and right of the tank niche. The KCM is designed for Use as a gas station outside of buildings, By up to 4 chambers The KCM can be used flexibly for different media. The equipment niches are closed by doors.

Advantages of this system are:

  • Optimal transport dimensions for truck transport
  • High static strength and safety thanks to double-walled construction
  • Optimal space-content ratio through functional design
KCM (MULTI) - gas station container, outdoor installation
Propertyfield of application.TransportationSetting up the Box
E02 - Double-walledE12 - hazardous to groundwaterE19 - FlammableE11 - Chemical industryE03 - cleaned and transportableE08 - Outdoor use

E2 double-walled

E12 hazardous to groundwater

E19 Flash point >55°C

E11 Chemical industry

E3 cleaned and transportable

E8 outdoor use

KCM (MULTI) - gas station container, outdoor installation
ViewItem No.AuthorizationVolume 95%Total lengthTotal widthTotal heightWeightDownloadContact
KCM-404KCM-402Z-38.12 31234.70012.1922.4382.89610.550
KCM-404KCM-403Z-38.12 31234.70012.1922.4382.89610.700
KCM-404KCM-404Z-38.12 31234.70012.1922.4382.89610.850

KCU (UNIVERSAL) – gas station container

The UNIVERSAL gas station KCU is a modular system for a wide variety of installation and application configurations. Manufactured as a cubic, double-walled construction with up to three Tank chambers The main storage tank is designed for storing diesel, gasoline and urea solutions. The tank body is equipped with a sturdy container frame with ISO corners that international CSC regulations requirements.

The tank can also be used with practical means Quick-tie connections be permanently and resiliently connected to additional modules. The first priority here is openness Gas pump platform (Type KC-P) for accommodating a wide variety of fuel pumps.

As a professional addition to the platform, a roof module (Type KC-DM), which can be mounted (also retroactively) on the fuel pump platform and covers the entire refueling area on both sides. For individual expansion of the tank chambers, the KCU tank container has smaller, double-walled ones auxiliary tanks (Type KC-ST) in three sizes.

The single-walled ones Room modules (Type KC-R) are offered in the same dimensions as the additional tanks and are used to store or accommodate additional equipment. There are three different ones for the office area Office modules (Type KC-O) available.

Advantages of this system are:

  • high static strength and double-walled construction
  • Newly designed floor assembly for fixing the foundation using adhesive anchors
  • Optimal space-content ratio thanks to cubic design
  • Seal the tank openings with a hood to protect against moisture and vandalism
KCU (UNIVERSAL) - gas station container
Propertyfield of application.TransportationSetting up the BoxVideo
E02 - Double-walledE12 - hazardous to groundwaterE19 - FlammableE11 - Chemical industryicon cleaned transportableE08 - Outdoor useyoutube icon

E2 double-walled

E12 hazardous to groundwater

Flash point >55°C

Chemical industry

E3 cleaned and transportable

Outdoor use


KCU (UNIVERSAL) - gas station container
ViewItem No.AuthorizationVolumeTotal lengthTotal widthTotal heightWeightDownloadContact
KCU-ST-20-HC-EX-1KKCU-201Z-38.12 31224.0006.0582.4382.8966.500
KCU-ST-20-HC-EX-2KKCU-202Z-38.12 31224.0006.0582.4382.8967.000
KCU-ST-20-HC-EX-3KKCU-203Z-38.12 31224.0006.0582.4382.8967.500
KCU-ST-40-HC-EX-1KKCU-401Z-38.12 31255.00012.1922.4382.89611.000
KCU-ST-40-HC-EX-2KKCU-402Z-38.12 31255.00012.1922.4382.89611.500
KCU-ST-40-HC-EX-3KKCU-403Z-38.12 31255.00012.1922.4382.89612.000

KC-P (Fuel Pump Platform) – gas station container

Additional module fuel pump platform: Heavy open CSC container frame 4.6 ft. and 10 ft.

The gas pump platform is used to accommodate a professional gas pump. It is also called a satellite.

The fuel pump platform is usually placed on one or two end faces of the KCU storage tank.

Vehicles can be refueled here from two sides at the same time if there is an appropriate pump.

If necessary, the platform can be completed with a roof module. Together with appropriate advertising boards, you get a state-of-the-art gas station module.

ViewItem No.AuthorizationdesignationDescriptionDownloadContact
KC-P-4.6KC-P-4.6-HC-DCSC approval 1731Gas pump platform The fuel pump platform, which is open on both sides, allows for simultaneous refueling from two sides. When using two platforms, up to four vehicles can refuel at the same time.
KC-P-10-HC-DKC-P-10-HC-DCSC approval 1731Gas pump platform The fuel pump platform, which is open on both sides, allows for simultaneous refueling from two sides. When using two platforms, up to four vehicles can refuel at the same time.
KC-P-4.6KC-P-4.6-HC-EXCSC approval 1731Gas pump platform The fuel pump platform, which is open on both sides, allows for simultaneous refueling from two sides. When using two platforms, up to four vehicles can refuel at the same time.
KC-P-10-HC-DKC-P-10-HC-EXCSC approval 1731Gas pump platform The fuel pump platform, which is open on both sides, allows for simultaneous refueling from two sides. When using two platforms, up to four vehicles can refuel at the same time.

KC-DM (ROOF MODULE) – gas station container

Additional modules: roof module, price display on two sides, advertising board (LED)

The roof module is used to cover the fueling area of ​​a gas station container.

It offers a headroom of 4500 mm and provides protection from sun, rain and snow. The supporting frame consists of an open container frame which supports the roof structure.

Electronic advertising boards can be installed on the support frames. A surrounding roof attic can be used for advertising purposes.

The roof module is installed on the 10 ft. gas pump platform or on a 40 ft. KCM gas station container.

ViewItem No.AuthorizationdesignationDescriptionDownloadContact
KC-DM-10KC-DM-10CSC approval 1731roof moduleKC-DM roof module supporting frame made of steel as a 10 ft. CSC container frame with assembled roof structure (assembly on site)
KC-PT4-2KC-PT4/2Price board, both sidesPrice board, both sides for up to 4 media. Electronic change of current prices via tank model.
LED KC-AB 2×2LED advertising board, one-sidedElectric LED billboard

KC-O/S (OFFICE / SHOP) – gas station container

Additional modules: Office / Shop

The office module for installing a gas station shop with back office. The office module can also be used to install sanitary equipment such as toilets. They will be equipped with air conditioning if required.

Possibility of combining MULTI gas station containers with office or shop containers.

ViewItem No.AuthorizationdesignationDescriptionDownloadContact
KC-O-10-HCKC-O-10-HCCSC approval 1731KC-O/S
KC Office
KC Shop
Office or shop container 10ft.
KC-O-20-HCKC-O-20-HCCSC approval 1731KC-O/S
KC Office
KC Shop
Office or shop container 20ft.
KC-O-40-HCKC-O-40-HCCSC approval 1731KC-O/S
KC Office
KC Shop
Office or shop container 40ft.

KC-MA (engine room) – gas station container

Additional module: engine room

Engine room module for installing generators, compressors. Storage room for oils, fats, small containers. Storage room for tires. Storage room for small technical equipment.

ViewItem No.AuthorizationdesignationDescriptionDownloadContact
KC-MA-10-HCKC-MA-10-HCCSC approval 1731KC-MA engine room moduleModule: engine room / storage room
KC-MA-6.6-HCKC-MA-6.6-HCCSC approval 1731KC-MA engine room moduleModule: engine room / storage room
KC-MA-4.6-HCKC-MA-4.6-HCCSC approval 1731KC-MA engine room moduleModule: engine room / storage room

KC-ST (TANK MODULE) – gas station container

Additional modules: Additional tank

The additional tank can be used to expand a container filling station to dispense UREA, windshield washer fluid, engine oil or ethanol.

ViewItem No.AuthorizationdesignationDescriptionDownloadContact
KC-ST-4.6-ZDKC-ST-4.6-ZDCSC approval 1731Additional tank / extension tankThe additional tank to expand a container filling station to dispense additional media.
KC-ST-6.6-ZDKC-ST-6.6-ZDCSC approval 1731Additional tank / extension tankThe additional tank to expand a container filling station to dispense additional media.
KC-ST-10-ZDKC-ST-10-ZDCSC approval 1731Additional tank / extension tankThe additional tank to expand a container filling station to dispense additional media.
KC-ST-4.6-ZDKC-ST-4.6-Z-EXCSC approval 1731Additional tank / extension tankThe additional tank to expand a container filling station to dispense additional media.
KC-ST-6.6-ZDKC-ST-6.6-Z-EXCSC approval 1731Additional tank / extension tankThe additional tank to expand a container filling station to dispense additional media.
KC-ST-10-ZDKC-ST-10-Z-EXCSC approval 1731Additional tank / extension tankThe additional tank to expand a container filling station to dispense additional media.

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Boat gas station

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