The importance of fuel supply logistics for the technical development of a region
The people living on 60% of the Earth's landmass do not have a professionally adequate supply of fuel. However, if a region has sufficient fuel, it can:
- Cars are supplied
- Construction machines are supplied
- Diesel generators are supplied
- Agricultural machinery is operated
This means: cars and trucks bring building materials,
- The construction machines can be used to build roads, houses, schools, ambulances and factories
- Modern agriculture can be carried out with agricultural machinery
- The diesel generators can be used to supply houses, schools, ambulances and factories with electrical power
- Electric lights, refrigerators, TV, radio and air conditioning can be operated in the houses
- Electric power and fuel can be used to supply mining mines and production in factories
Distances of 250 to 300 kilometers from gas station to gas station are not uncommon. In regions without gas stations, the development of technical progress is stagnating. These regions are falling behind more and more and are becoming increasingly impoverished.
What are specific African problems?
- Gradations: Cities (highly developed), small towns (developed), small villages (underdeveloped)
- large distances
- bad roads in the bush or mountains
- low amount of fuel required in the bush or mountains
- Roads have low carrying capacity for vehicles
- There are too few or no roads.
Large cities and metropolitan areas usually have sufficient electricity and gas stations.
Small towns in Africa or Latin America rarely have enough gas stations and very often have power outages. The fuel requirement here is around 30.000 liters per month. For comparison, for example, in Europe there is a gas station every 25 km, in less developed regions every 40 km.
Small villages in Africa or Latin America generally have no gas stations and are usually not connected to a power grid. Distances of 60 to 80 km to the next town are not uncommon.
Gravel roads or very bad roads usually lead to these villages. In addition, the fuel requirement is relatively low and is 2.000 to 3.000 liters per month. On the Trans-Africa roads there can also be long distances between gas station point and gas station point. In heavily frequented areas, daily consumption of 20.000 to 30.000 liters can occur.
The big problem of small villages is the low consumption of fuel.
- Transporting fuel with road tankers is unprofitable and extremely time-consuming due to poor roads. Speeds of 5-10 km/h are normal. At higher speeds, the tank container can be damaged due to the dynamic vibrations and torsion of the tank truck.
- Storing diesel over a period of 6 months can lead to the formation of microorganisms - called diesel plague. When storing gasoline over a period of 6 months, volatile components in the gasoline may evaporate. That's why it's important to only keep a storage quantity of fuel for a maximum of 3 months (better 1 month).
- Krampitz has developed an alternative supply concept to supply these regions:
CENTAUR for small villages
COMPACT for large villages, cities and intersections of important roads
UNIVERSAL for large cities and on the outskirts of these cities