
Centrifugal pumps PK

Technical equipment for conveying thin liquids…

Burst protection EX

Safety-related equipment required for pressure equalization.…

Dipstick EX

Equipment required under water law and safety…

Flame arrester

Safety equipment required when using…

Electronic leak detector AE-354

Equipment required by water law for double-walled…

Electronic leak detector AE-350

Equipment required by water law for double-walled…

Static leak detector KÜR5 AM-359

Equipment required by water law for double-walled…

Leak warning probe AE-303

Safety equipment for remote detection of leakage liquids…

Limit sensor with tank truck plug AE-250

Equipment required by water law to limit the…

Overfill acknowledgment box with tank truck plug B-AE-907-Z

Safety equipment as a combination for automatic…

Overfill confirmation box B-AE-110

Safety equipment for signaling or alarming…

Overfill protection AE-200 and AE-201

Equipment required by water law to limit the…

Content display and signal generator AE-115-VI

Equipment required by water law to display the tank contents…

Level sensor AE-111

In terms of water law or plant technology. required equipment…

Level sensor AE-100-E

Technical equipment for producing switching contacts…